Bangla Beats Music App

  • Client: Robi
  • Available on: Play Store

Bangla Beats is a Music subscription-based streaming App service where Robi android mobile users will be able to enjoy a big collection of Bangla music.

Google Play Store: Download Link


Key Features

Audio: There will be different genre of Bangla music available for streaming i.e. classic, folk, modern, singer special, all-time hit, New released, band etc.

Playlist: You can add/keep your favorite songs in a single list

User Interface: You can subscribe to the service via. SMS & APP. Once subscribed, the subscriber browsing the app will get direct access to the content


30 days 37.31 TK

15 days 18.66 TK

7 days   9.33 TK

1 day    1.33 TK