Local Express

  • Client: Robi
  • Short Code: 22001

Robi Local Express Service enables you to listen to the Regional songs of your choice from anywhere and at any time. You can even record your own contents and share it with the world.


  1. Listen to full tracks
  2. Community News
  3. Record User Generated Contents
  4. Listen to others User-generated Contents
  5. Know about regional cultures, news etc.


Exciting Features

  1. Listen to Your Regional Songs Instantly: You can listen to nine separate regional channels full of Music & User-generated contents.
  2. Record your own contents and share it with the world: You can record your own songs, poems, jokes, news, thoughts etc


  • Any Robi user can subscribe to Robi Local Express by dialing 2001 or can send SMS start30/ start15/ start7/ start1 to 22001.
  • Deactivation: Subscribers can deactivate the service by sending SMS stop to 22001.


30 days 37.31 TK

15 days 18.66 TK

7 days   9.33 TK

1 day    1.33 TK